7 Jan 2015

Our Home- An Organised Space #3 - The Pantry

Today, I thought I'd give the pantry a good clean out & reorganise as it's been a while since I took stock of everything in there. 

This is my pantry set up, before the makeover.

It was starting to get pretty untidy & I was losing track of what was in there so the first step was to take EVERYTHING out. This is really important to give you a good idea of the space you have & how to use it & you can get rid of all the things that you no longer need or are out of date as you restock. 

Once you have everything out, give the shelves a good clean & then start to restock. The best way is to put likes with likes, so all the sauces together, all of the canned food together etc. I find baskets are really handy to help group things & keep it all together as well making it looking neat & tidy

Here is how my pantry is organised:

Top Shelf: Baking supplies, tea & coffee
2nd Shelf: Biscuits & Kid's Snacks
3rd Shelf: Cooking supplies, flours & sugars
4th Shelf: Sauces & Canned products
Bottom Shelf: Condiments, Oils & Packet products

I already had labels on my Tupperware containers so just needed to add some to the baskets

Don't forget to purge anything that hasn't been used for ages or is out of date! 

All up it took me about half an hour to reorganise. A fairly quick & easy project. 

How's your pantry looking? Need a makeover? Have a go & show me your progress!!

Til Next Time,

Mel xx

4 Jan 2015

Our Home- An Organised Space #2- Kid's Craft Corner

Today I'm talking about an art & craft space for the kids. I'm not a big art & craft kind of mum, I leave most of that stuff up to Preschool, but now that I'm home with the kids four days a week, I figure I better start making a bit of an effort to do some activities with them. Plus it was a good excuse to reorganise & make a pretty space! 

This was our previous craft area

It was ok, but after scouring through numerous pics on Pinterest, I knew I could make it better. Here is some of my inspiration...

So, with those ideas in mind, I set about creating our space. And this is what I came up with.

I bought these desks a couple of years ago from Howard's Storage World & love how the chairs push into the desk to maximise space. The floating shelf was a leftover from the kitchen makeover. The paper roll is from ikea & I just went to the local hardware store for some curtain rod & brackets to put it on. Finished off with a rod, hooks & buckets for pencils & crayons & we have a much more productive, organised space!

What do you think?
What's your kiddie craft area look like?

Til next time,

Mel xx