30 Mar 2013

Our Happy Easter

This Easter was a little bit more special for us as it was the first year since we've been married that Mr B didn't have to work!
It has been so fantastic having him around for the whole Easter break & the boys have especially loved sharing all the excitement with Daddy!!
The boys are still a bit young to really understand what Easter is about nor do they realise what the Easter Bunny does, but it was still exciting to watch them discover all the little pressies that the Easter Bunny left them.
I thought I'd let some pictures do the talking...

Hunting for eggs

The Easter Bunny delivered


Brotherly Love

We love our pets

Sandpit fun

Til next time,
Mel xx

18 Mar 2013

Two's A Plenty

This post is a response to all those people wondering if we are going to add any more children to our family or 'try for a girl'.
When my husband & I started talking about having a family, we were keen on having four kids. I'm the youngest of three & my husband has a sister & a half-brother. We liked the idea of having a large family.

Then we had our first child.

From the time I found out I was pregnant, I hated it. I was so sick. And not just for the first 12 weeks like all the books say. I was sick, as in pulling up on the side of the road on my way to work EVERY DAY to throw up sick, for a 6 whole months. And then when the sickness finally ended, I got terrible leg cramps & suffered from high blood pressure which meant numerous trips to hospital that lasted hours. This was followed by a not-so-good birthing experience & a non-passion for breast feeding before finally settling in to being mum.

I can remember saying to my husband after about eight months that we should try for another baby. I was pretty sure by this stage that this would be the last one & wanted to get the pregnancy over with as quickly as possible & so a month later we were expecting again.
While this pregnancy was a little easier, I still hated it & now I had a toddler to chase around as well. EXHAUSTION

We found out the sex of our babies as soon as we could, both times. And we were happy to share the details with all of our family & friends. When I went to that 20 week scan with baby number 2, I had mixed feelings about the sex of the baby. A part of me was hoping for a girl as it would be something new but I was also keen on another boy to give our first boy a real mate.

I think I am totally blessed to have two boys and I also believe that there may have been a higher power involved in giving me another boy. While I may miss plaiting hair, shopping trips & painting nails, I'm happy to admit that I am greatly looking forward to my husband & the boys going off on some expedition while I enjoy some solo shopping time or pampering.
So we are done, as far as expanding our family goes. I feel totally complete with my two gorgeous boys & love watching them grow every day. I look forward to lots of cuddles with all of the new babies that any friends or family bring into the world in the future. And I will be more then happy to hand them back!

Til next time,
Mel x


15 Mar 2013


Seeing as this is my first post, I figure the best place to start would be to tell you a bit about myself.
I'm a full time mum to two boys, William who is two & a half, & Angus who is one. We live in a rural town in northwest NSW. Originally from Sydney, I moved here after meeting my husband & love the country lifestyle. My husband works at a local mine & we live on a 200 acre property not far out of town.

I'd like to think I'm not your average, conventional mum. I take pride in being different & standing out from the crowd, and I'm not afraid to say what I think - good, bad or ugly! I enjoy spending time with my kids but also like to do my own thing, when I get the chance!

I started this Blog, mostly to keep a record/journal of our family life & it alos gives me an opportunity to share things with my family & friends. And it also gives me a bit of time away from the kidlets!

I love doing crafty things & have recently become a bit of a sewer (check out my other fb page The Sewing Sistas). I also love planning parties, cooking, fashion, shopping and DIY & am looking forward to sharing all of these things with you in the future.

So feel free to share with me, this journey that is Life. And ENJOY

Mel xx