22 Jul 2013

Making a Guest Room

With three out of the four of us celebrating our Birthdays in the next couple of weeks, we needed to get a space sorted for my parents who will be coming to visit at different times, starting with my dad arriving at the end of is week.

We have a small area near our main bathroom that we decided to transform into a guest room. It will also be a place for Ben to sleep when he is on midnight shift & needs to sleep during the day as it is away from the main living/dining area.

So, this is our guest room...

Most of the items in here were things that I already had around the house.

The bed had been sitting in storage & I purchased the quilt cover & sheet set from Target for around $50. The throw rug & cushion were items I pulled from elsewhere in the house.

I got this folding table from the local thrift shop, as well as the lamp, which I had sitting in a spare room out on the farm. The basket with goodies (hand cream, body lotion etc) was on sale at Target. The green jar & fake roses came from a local hardware store that also sell home decor.

I love this bag! I picked it up on my last trip to Sydney. The button heart wall art also came from the local thrift shop(on sale!)

I bought a couple of blank canvases, also from the local thrift shop (love that place!) & covered them in some fabric I had lying around from previous sewing projects.

I think the room has come up well & I only spent around $70 for the all the decor.

Can't wait for our visitors to arrive now!

What do you think of our guest room?

Til next time,

Mel xx

16 Jul 2013

Moving On

A little over two months ago, we made the move from farming life to suburbia.

While we are still waiting for the farm to sell, we have happily settled into town life. We love all the conveniences (take-away, ducking down the street for milk, dining out) & it's so nice to spend the weekends catching up with friends, playing golf or heading to the park.

So, let me introduce you to our little home in the burbs.

While it's no palace & needs a little work, we love our little space...


Can't wait to use that pool!! 

Hope you enjoyed this little tour of our home.

Have you moved recently?

Do you dream of a tree change or a sea change?

Til next time,

Mel xx